Saturday, June 5, 2010


To begin, I would like to explain the title of this blog- "Super Dog Black." It comes from the one other time I've been to Italy. It was even Florence, if I remember correctly. While watching TV one day, my brother and I finally happened upon a TV show that could drag us away from Italian Flipper. It was a Japanese show, dubbed into Italian with only the title in English (Super Dog Black). In a backwards kind of way, it seemed fitting for this adventure I'm about to blindishly embark upon.

Eight years later I'm going back to Florence, sans parents, and this time to study baking at an international culinary arts school called Apicius. Excitement is the word I most often use to describe the trip but I can't deny that I've already experienced a rollercoaster of emotions. Let's not forget angst, exhaustion, frustration, curiosity, doubt, empowerment, concern, and straight up fear. It is going to be a wonderful opportunity, I know this. But although people encourage me with words such as, "You're going to have one of those summers chick flicks are based off of," I've had my doubts.

Without going into too many details, a few weeks ago I was nothing less than a wreck as I struggled to correct incorrect paperwork, prayed my passport would arrive safely and quickly, fixed flights, and payed all kinds of money I barely have. The icing on the cake came when we recieved the addresses of our new appartments. I looked mine up on google maps to see what adorable sleepy old street I'd be calling home for the summer. A map popped up and google told me there was a Bed and Breakfast at that location. It seemed to be more of a hostel so it made sense they'd put us there. I then procedded to read the reviews of the quaint B & B. Every single entry gave it one measly star and included titles such as "Beadbugs!" "Worst Hostel I've Been to in Europe!" "Scary" "Dirty" "Mean owners" "Ticks" and every post mentioned the bed bugs. One poor fellow apparently woke up with so many bites his eyes were swollen shut. Now... I'm not expecting the Ritz here. I'm not going to whine if my appartment isn't luxurious but let's just say I'm not so OK with living in an infestation. I promptly called my friend- who will be my roommate in the roach motel- and calmly explained to her the situation loudly, quickly, and very high piched so she knew I meant buisness. It was her suggestion to write back to the housing coordinator to make 100% sure that was actually the place we'd be. I had kind of jumped to a conclusion so I wrote her back. She responded quickly by reassuring me that the B & B was on the 3rd floor and our place was actually on the 1st. ...Here's hoping bedbugs can't climb down stairs.

Now my departure day is just 10 days away. I say this over and over but it still hasn't Actually sunken in that I'm going to be leaving so soon. There are close friends I won't see again until I get back. I haven't packed a thing. I haven't tried to learn Italin (I can count to 20 and ask "where is the the beer?"). I still need to give my roomie info on bills, the vet, my plant etc. Instead I find myself sitting at home, alone, watching "I Shouldn't Be Alive," eating cookies. This isn't getting me ready for anything. But prepared or not, the countdown begins. I leave at 8:30 on June 15th. It is currently 7:39 pm on June 5th. I better get packin.


  1. haha! You have me cracking up (er, feeling sorry for you???) already! Can't wait to read up on your many adventures!

  2. Oh man, Adria I love you. This is going straight into my Google Reader.

  3. You will be awesome! And yeah, bed bugs.....ew.

  4. Having just come from Italy and having prepared in a similar fashion as you - "The Office" reruns and left-overs with a side of guilt for not listening to the language tapes my Mom gave me, I feel your pain. We were in Florence for only one day, but (not to scare you more - after all, it is a big city and we were only in one little area) it was more crowded then any other city we were in on our cruise. The tour guide even said she had never seen it so crowded with tourists. I am curious to know where your school is and where you are staying. Despite the bed bug sich, it all sounds so exciting. Where is my Italian baking school?!?

  5. P.S. Drivers are crazy in Italy. I think maybe worse then Mexico because there are more scooters and bicyclists sans helmets. You will be O.K., though. Just remember what you learned in Kindergarten: Stop. Look. Listen.

  6. In hearing about my parents' recent travels, some of the places they stayed were mixed-use. A hotel or two they stayed at also had permanent residents living in apartments on some floors, and the hotel was only certain floors. So, hopefully your apartment is separate from the B&B.

    So excited for you!!

  7. Not only can bedbugs climb stairs, but I hear they can teleport through walls.
