Friday, June 25, 2010


I'm beginning to get used to the teaching styles of my new profs. They're offbeat, but once you understand their code, it's not so bad. It's just like solving any other confusing riddle except this one is in charge of your grade.

With Chef Gabriele you need to understand that he often gets "years" and "days" confused. He has told us on more than one occasion, "and if wrapped properly this bread will last up to 15 years," to which the class lets out an audible, "woooah." And after a few seconds of pondering he says, "oh days. Days. No not years. No no." He also explained to us today that you could really use a lot of different kind of olives for olive bread as long as you debone them first.

Today Francesca had something up her sleeve. She came into class (sporting, for the second time in a row, her over sized solar system t-shirt from the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum with a disclaimer saying, "not to scale") with her classic 3 parts gum to 1 part teeth smile. What it came down to is she ended up showing us this video:

And after we watched it she played it again and we all got to get up and dance to it. And by "get to" I mean "were forced to." This really happened.

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